Principal’s Message
June 4, 2023

E-mail blast

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Hello West Campus Families,

June is Pride Month.  To ensure that students have a safe space to learn, it is needed for students to feel comfortable in their own skin regardless of any of their personal identifiers.  Please join me in celebrating Pride Month!  For more information about Pride Month, click here

Exams start this week, senior exams will run Monday through Wednesday, for grades nine through eleven, exams will begin on Friday and continue into the following week.  

Thank you,

John McMeekin – Principal

In this week's news:

Equity Team Challenge
Week #8


Equity Team Challenge – Week 8: Racial Wealth Gap

The wealth gap between Black and white Americans has been persistent and extreme. Consider that right now the net wealth of a typical Black family in America is around one-tenth that of a white family. This gap represents, scholars say, the accumulated effects of four centuries of institutional and systemic racism and bears major responsibility for disparities in income, health, education, and opportunity that continue to this day.

Main Challenge

Counselor Updates
Weekly Updates from the WCHS Counseling Team


The Counseling Calendar is now on the Foundation website. Click here for a video tutorial on how to add WCHS calendars to your personal Google calendar or follow these steps: 1) Go to 2) Scroll all the way down on the home page to the calendar. 3) At the bottom right of the calendar, select the + sign next to where it says “Google Calendar.” (Your Google calendar opens up if you are already signed in.

Foundation Updates
June 4, 2023


Thank you to seniors Agnes and Shawn and all of the volunteers who made Career Day a success! And thank you to those who came to Lunch with Your Warrior Day on Friday. 

Happy Pride Month from the Foundation Board!